Season 10

Episode #215 – Edgar Allan Poe: Hoax Master?

Edgar Allan Poe has been remembered as one of America’s greatest authors and poets. However, many are less familiar with is career as a hoaxer. In the 1830’s and 1840’s Poe made a name for himself orchestrating elaborate newspaper hoaxes, and debunking hoaxes attempted by others. Poe specialized in deceptions that dealt with the frontiers of science. Some of these scientific hoaxes flopped, while others drummed up real excitement among astonished readers. What was the secret sauce that made a newspaper hoax go large? (more…)

Episode #214 – Have We Misremembered the Gunpowder Plot? (Part II)

Trying to come an “objective” understanding of the 1605 Gunpowder Plot has proved difficult for historians. From the the outset the facts of the case were distorted to help serve the political interests of powerful English ministers. The details were massaged so that a group of Jesuits could be framed as the masterminds. But, if the authorities were lying about the Jesuits, what else might they have been lying about? Was the Gunpowder Plot actually a false flag operation cooked up by members of King James’ inner-circle? Have revelers on bonfire night been celebrating a lie… or is something more complicated going on? (more…)

Episode #213 – Have We Misremembered the Gunpowder Plot? (Part I)

There is an old English rhyme that implores every patriotic Briton to “Remember, Remember, the 5th of November.” This was the date of a foiled attack on the English parliament known as the Gunpowder Plot. The man poised to light the fuse on the 36 barrels of gunpowder stockpiled under the house of lords in 1605 was the Catholic agitator Guy Fawkes. Since the date of his capture the popular understanding of Fawkes has undergone a remarkable transformation. He has gone from being a nearly forgotten triggerman, to a reviled villain burnt in effigy, to a valiant folk hero, to a symbol for internet “hacktivists.” Does “Guy Fawkes” the symbol have anything to do with Guy Fawkes the man? (more…)

Episode #212 – Was the “Man Called Intrepid” a Fraud?

In 1976 the bestselling biography A Man Called Intrepid made the Canadian spy Sir. William Stephenson something close to a household name. The book claimed that the previously obscure Stephenson had secretly been the head of one of WWII’s most important espionage agencies. Some even gave him credit for inspiring Ian Fleming’s beloved fictional spy, James Bond. But, despite it’s success, the book soon met with a wave of criticism from historians. The most vocal critics decried Stephenson as an “intrepid fraud” who “fooled the world into believing he was a master spy.” Was Stephenson truly an important part of British Intelligence, or was he just a Winnipeg con-man who duped his gullible biographers. (more…)

Episode #211 – Who Killed King Tut? (Part II)

When King Tutankhamun became King of Egypt at the tender age of eight he inherited a kingdom in chaos. His father’s religious revolution had upended the traditional social structure and enraged the old priesthood. In those early years of his reign Tutankhamun was clearly guided by his advisors to lead a restoration of the old ways. But did hose advisors get a little too comfortable with power? When Tutankhamun suddenly died at the age of 18, one of those advisors quickly slid into the role of Pharaoh. Was this a cleverly orchestrated palace coup? Or have some Egyptologists become too invested in a murder mystery of their own making? (more…)

Episode #210 – Who Killed King Tut? (Part I)

King Tutankhamun may be the best known Egyptian Pharaoh. The discovery of his tomb in 1922 created a wave of “Tut-mania” that has made him a fixture of pop-culture ever since. But even though his treasures are among the most visited museum objects in history, the details of his life remain obscure. This may be because King Tut’s successors actively tried to erase him from history. Why was this young monarch’s name omitted from the official Kings List and carved out of monuments? Is this all just the fallout of an elaborate murder plot and a coup for the Egyptian throne? Tutankhamun lived through one of the most tumultuous periods in Egyptian history, so why was he written out of the official story? (more…)