The 16th century French prophet, Nostradamus, has a way of rearing his head anytime humanity finds itself in the midst of a crisis. Anytime there’s a collective tragedy, the world is plunged into conflict, or society finds itself on the cusp of painful transition, you will find someone waving a copy of Nostradamus’ Prophecies. But how accurate were Nostradamus’ predictions? Was a random French pharmacist really able to accurately describe five centuries of history? Tune-in and find out how Nostradamus’ jam recipe, apothecary prejudices, and my Dad’s last minute Y2K plan all play a role in the story.

Works Cited
Gerson Step̌hane. Nostradamus How an Obscure Renaissance Astrologer Became the Modern Prophet of Doom. Picador USA, 2013.
Hogue, John. Nostradamus: a Life and Myth: the First Complete Biography of the World’s Most Famous and Controversial Prophet. Element, 2003.
Lemesurier, Peter, and Nostradamus. The Nostradamus Encyclopedia: the Definitive Reference Guide to the Work and World of Nostradamus. Thoms Dunne Books, 1999.
Lemesurier, Peter. Nostradamus, Bibliomancer: the Man, the Myth, the Truth. New Page Books, 2010.
Nostradamus, et al. The Prophecies. Penguin Classics, 2014.
Randi, James. The Mask of Nostradamus: the Prophecies of the World’s Most Famous Seer. Prometheus, 1993.
Wilson, Ian. Nostradamus: the Evidence. Orion, 2003.