Easter Island, or Rapa Nui as the indigenous islanders call it, may be the most misunderstood place on planet Earth. For centuries outsiders have tried to unravel what they perceived to be the islands many mysteries. How did stone age people manage to get to such a remote island? How did these people build the island’s remarkable statues? What caused this unique society to collapse? Recent research has completely upended many previous assumptions about this storied island. Was the mysterious collapse even a collapse at all? Tune in an find out how awesome canoes, ancestor mana, and OFH’s favourite ocean current all play a role in the story.

Works Cited
Cook, James, and William James Lloyd Wharton. Captain Cook’s Journal. Libraries Board of South Australia, 1968.
Diamond, Jared. Collapse. Penguin Books Ltd., 2011.
“Easter Island Facts & Info.” Easter Island Travel – Your Ultimate Tourism Resource, www.easterisland.travel/easter-island-facts-and-info/i-he-a-hotu-matua-e-hura-nei/#:~:text=e hura nei?-,¿I hē a Hotu Matu’a e hura nei?,of king Hotu Matu’a.
Fischer, Steven Roger. Island at the End of the World: the Turbulent History of Easter Island. Reaktion Books, 2010.
Flenley, John, and Paul G. Bahn. The Enigmas of Easter Island: Island on the Edge. Oxford University Press, 2003.
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