Episode #212 – Was the “Man Called Intrepid” a Fraud?

In 1976 the bestselling biography A Man Called Intrepid made the Canadian spy Sir. William Stephenson something close to a household name. The book claimed that the previously obscure Stephenson had secretly been the head of one of WWII’s most important espionage agencies. Some even gave him credit for inspiring Ian Fleming’s beloved fictional spy, James Bond. But, despite it’s success, the book soon met with a wave of criticism from historians. The most vocal critics decried Stephenson as an “intrepid fraud” who “fooled the world into believing he was a master spy.” Was Stephenson truly an important part of British Intelligence, or was he just a Winnipeg con-man who duped his gullible biographers. Continue reading “Episode #212 – Was the “Man Called Intrepid” a Fraud?”

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Episode #210 – Who Killed King Tut? (Part I)

King Tutankhamun may be the best known Egyptian Pharaoh. The discovery of his tomb in 1922 created a wave of “Tut-mania” that has made him a fixture of pop-culture ever since. But even though his treasures are among the most visited museum objects in history, the details of his life remain obscure. This may be because King Tut’s successors actively tried to erase him from history. Why was this young monarch’s name omitted from the official Kings List and carved out of monuments? Is this all just the fallout of an elaborate murder plot and a coup for the Egyptian throne? Tutankhamun lived through one of the most tumultuous periods in Egyptian history, so why was he written out of the official story? (more…)

Episode #209 – What Are the Olympic Myths? (Part III)

The man credited with reviving the Olympics in the late 1800’s was a French aristocrat named Baron Pierre De Coubertin. In his memoir he claimed that idea to revive the Olympic games had been his and his alone. However, historians have pointed out that the “Olympic Idea” had been floating around Europe for many decades before De Coubertin started his quest to create an international Olympic games. Modern Olympic precursors existed in Greece and England before the first IOC sanctioned games. Was the “Olympic Idea” stolen by the IOC? (more…)

Episode #208 – What Are the Olympic Myths? (Part II)

Ahead of the Olympic Games there is always some discussion of the so-called “Olympic Spirit.” This is a spirit of fair play and virtuous competition allegedly inherited from the ancient Greeks. But, a close look at the ancient Olympics and what you discover is that “sportsmanship” was in short supply. The Greeks had a “conquer or die” mentality at ancient Olympia. The most celebrated athletes were those who had sacrificed their lives for a taste of victory. Few batted an eye when athletes died during the competition. On top of that the rowdy festival that accompanied the games could be just as crass and commercial as any modern Olympics. How many Olympic ideals did we really inherit from the ancients? (more…)

Episode #207- What Are the Olympic Myths? (Part I)

When the Olympic games were revived in the late 19th century there was a widespread belief in the “purity” of ancient Greek athletics. The original members of the International Olympic committee believed that the ancient Greek games at Olympia were noble and unblemished expressions of sporting virtue. They may have been viewing the past with rose-coloured glasses. The real ancient Olympics were rough, unhygienic, often corrupt and frequently violent. But, they were also super cool. The ancient games were also rife with mythology and fake history. What should we believe about the ancient games? (more…)

Episode #206 – Were Magical Dwarves the First Hawaiians?

There are few pieces of Hawaiian folklore as beloved as the tales of the Menehune. This group of pint-sized magical wonderworkers have been given credit for building a number of Hawaii’s oldest structures. Legend has it that this group of dwarves were contracted by early Hawaiian chiefs to complete great feats of engineering in just one night. While these magical tales may seem fantastic, some have argued that they may contain kernels of historical truth. Were the Menehune actually the first Hawaiian settlers whose achievement have been literally dwarfed through storytelling? Or is there something else going on in this tradition? (more…)

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